Wednesday, March 18, 2009

~Kiowa ~

I just wanted to tell you about my horse Kiowa. For those of you who haven't met her, you are missing out on somthing that words can't explain.

I remeber the exact moment I first laid my eyes on her, she was standing in the pen with all the other horses pounding her hoove on the metal gate waiting for dinner and I knew she was for me. my heart skipped a beat with every clamp of her hoove against the gravle road. When they asked me if I would like to try riding her, I couldn't say yes fast enough. My sisters got to ride her first, as I watched her trot around the round pen, with her beautiful tail in the air and her sweet face glancing all over, I couldn't wait to get on!

After what felt like a lifetime I got to ride her, I felt this amazing spark between me and her. She was perfect! So I was exstactic when we brought her home. Things between her and I at home were diffucult, two stubbern attitudes put together didn't mix well. We had to lern how to respect each other and how to be patient with each other. As I learned from her and she learned from me we became inseprable.

Now Kiowa and I are a great team and we love barrel racing and doing all sorts of high speed events. I always say...its a passion for speed, once its in your blood theres no way of getting it out.

I don't know what my life would be like without Kiowa, she is definatly a part of who I am today. I love her with all of my heart.

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